Set "Lock-Menu"-Functionality per default

3 years 4 months ago #62541 by jurahausverein
first of all: Thank you very much for this wonderful extension, which finally helped me to design a mobile menu that deserves its name.

I only have one thing: When clicking on a menu item, the page reloads (which it should) and the menu is closed. To see the subitems, one has to click on the menu bar again.
The closing can be avoided by the page visitor by clicking on the lock symbol (I have set the "Enable lock button" to YES), then it works fine.
But this is not very intuitive to the end user as it makes subitems "invisible".
Is there a way to set the "lock" per default in the settings for every page visitor?
i.e.: Whenever one clicks on the menu bar, it stays open, until it is actively closed via the "X".

I would very much appreciate a solution for this because then, it would be just perfect!

Best Regards,

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3 years 4 months ago #62542 by ced1870
thank you for your feedback
I have to work on the mobile menu in the next days, I will check that in the same time
I will let you know

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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3 years 4 months ago #62545 by ced1870
please check the 1.4.2 version where I have added the force locked state options

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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3 years 4 months ago #62549 by jurahausverein
Hi CEd,
thanks for the new version! I think, we are almost there.
I did some testing (before: unabled "Lock button" and enabled "Force the locked state" and found that the behaviour under some circumstanes (I could not really reproduce it really well) is somehow strange.
I think it has to do something with the saving of the setting: Is setting A unabled and then saved and then setting B is enabled and saved; or are both changes done at once and then saved.
Behaviour is as follows: Sometimes, the "+" is displayed after clicking on a menu item and then, on the same device in another browser or even only on another tab in the same browser, the subitems are loaded directly. This happens also with two different 1st level items in the same browser session, where one loads with the "+" that has to be clicked to open the subitems and the other one opens directly with all subitems.
The settings have NOT been changed during this test.
=> Is it possible to always directly open the subitems instead of reloading the menu and displaying the "+" sign to open the subitems? This would save one click to the users.
Hard to describe. I hope you can understand.

Best Regards,

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3 years 4 months ago #62558 by ced1870
please install this version and tell me if it works better


Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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3 years 4 months ago #62567 by jurahausverein
Hi CEd,
thank you! The opening of the subitems works great, now!

Just some little things:
  • When loading the page for the first time, the menu is already open when the "Force lock" setting is enabled. I think it is better, if it is closed on first loading and has to be opened using the menu bar
  • The mobile menu is also opened when a page is initially loaded on a device with resolution > Limit of resolution. => I think this will be fixed, when the above (don't open by default) is solved
  • Is it possible to implement the following logic:
    When there are no sub-items for a selected menu item, close the menu. When it is reopened, the locking-mechanism should apply until it is closed again.
  • .
Thank you really very much for your ultra-fast replies and solutions!

Best Regards,

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