Custom canonical

Replied by ced1870 on topic Custom canonical

Posted 1 year 3 months ago #68198
essaie cette version et dis moi si ça marche
et dis moi aussi dans quelle page tu as ces messages


Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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Replied by jbyvosges on topic Custom canonical

Posted 1 year 3 months ago #68200
Bonjour Cedric

Il semble que l'erreur ait migrée  ; j'ai maintenant :
[26-Apr-2023 08:33:07 UTC] PHP Warning:  Attempt to read property "id" on null in /home/u435373158/domains/ on line 303
j'ai migré mes sites depuis chez OVH vers Hostinger et je ne vois pas comment lire les fichiers logs apache. de ce fait, je n'arrive pas à voir à quel moment le warning se produit.

Quoi qu'il en soit, ce n'est qu'un avertissement et ça n’empêche pas mon site de fonctionner.

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Custom canonical

Posted 1 year 3 months ago #68202
ok mais rien n'indique dans ce warning qu'il est lié à une de mes extensions (ni à quoi que ce soit)
essaie d'activer le débogage dans la configuration de ton site, tu devrais avoir un message plus complet avec la trace

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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Replied by jbyvosges on topic Custom canonical

Posted 1 year 3 months ago #68204
Après quelques tâtonnements, j'ai trouvé comment modifier mon install pour avoir plus de détails. Le résultat est un peu long. Il semble que le message apparaisse lorsque je modifie un article. J'ai essayé sur un autre site sans l'extension canonical et je n'ai pas de warning sur ce site (ça ne prouve rien, mais quand -même)

[26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  Attempt to read property "id" on array in /home/u435373158/domains/ on line 94 [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP Stack trace: [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  1. {main}() /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  2. require_once() /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  3. Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute() /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  4. Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->doExecute() /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  5. Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication->dispatch($component = *uninitialized*) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  6. Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent($option = 'com_content', $params = *uninitialized*) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  7. Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\ComponentDispatcher->dispatch() /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  8. Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController->execute($task = 'save') /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  9. Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\FormController->save($key = *uninitialized*, $urlVar = *uninitialized*) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  10. Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Model\ArticleModel->getForm($data = ['title' => 'Témoignage n° 9', 'alias' => 'temoignage-n-9', 'articletext' => '<p>Je m\'appelle R. Je viens d\'Albanie où j\'habitais à D., une ville magnifique située juste à côté de la mer. Ma maison était à 200 m de la plage, vous imaginez ?</p>\r\n<p>En février 2018 je suis tombée malade. On m\'a diagnostiqué un cancer du sein. Malheureusement, dans mon pays, la qualité du système de soins et la corruption font que je n\'aurai pas été bien soignée. J\'ai donc décidé de partir pour l\'Italie. J\'y suis restée deux mois mais je n\'étais pas bien prise en charge. Alors, sur '..., 'transition' => '', 'state' => '1', 'catid' => '11', 'featured' => '0', 'access' => '1', 'language' => '*', 'note' => '', 'version_note' => '', 'images' => ['image_intro' => '', 'image_intro_alt' => '', 'float_intro' => '', 'image_intro_caption' => '', 'image_fulltext' => '', 'image_fulltext_alt' => '', 'float_fulltext' => '', 'image_fulltext_caption' => ''], 'urls' => ['urla' => '', 'urlatext' => '', 'targeta' => '', 'urlb' => '', 'urlbtext' => '', 'targetb' => '', 'urlc' => '', 'urlctext' => '', 'targetc' => ''], 'attribs' => ['article_layout' => '', 'show_title' => '', 'link_titles' => '', 'show_tags' => '', 'show_intro' => '', 'info_block_position' => '', 'info_block_show_title' => '', 'show_category' => '', 'link_category' => '', 'show_parent_category' => '', 'link_parent_category' => '', 'show_author' => '', 'link_author' => '', 'show_create_date' => '', 'show_modify_date' => '', 'show_publish_date' => '', 'show_item_navigation' => '', 'show_hits' => '', 'show_noauth' => '', 'urls_position' => '', 'alternative_readmore' => '', 'article_page_title' => '', 'helix_ultimate_image' => '', 'helix_ultimate_image_alt_txt' => '', 'helix_ultimate_article_format' => 'standard', 'helix_ultimate_audio' => '', 'helix_ultimate_gallery' => '', 'helix_ultimate_video' => '', 'canonical_url' => '', 'show_publishing_options' => '', 'show_article_options' => '', 'show_urls_images_backend' => '', 'show_urls_images_frontend' => ''], 'publish_up' => '17-03-2023 08:44:25', 'publish_down' => '', 'featured_up' => '', 'featured_down' => '', 'created' => '17-03-2023 08:44:25', 'created_by' => '627', 'created_by_alias' => '', 'modified' => '22-04-2023 18:00:26', 'version' => '7', 'hits' => '10', 'id' => 23, 'metadesc' => '', 'metakey' => '', 'metadata' => ['robots' => '', 'author' => '', 'rights' => '']], $loadData = FALSE) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  11. Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\FormModel->loadForm($name = 'com_content.article', $source = 'article', $options = ['control' => 'jform', 'load_data' => FALSE], $clear = *uninitialized*, $xpath = *uninitialized*) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  12. Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Model\ArticleModel->preprocessForm($form = class Joomla\CMS\Form\Form { protected $data = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = FALSE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected $errors = []; protected $name = 'com_content.article'; protected $options = ['control' => 'jform']; protected $xml = class SimpleXMLElement { public $config = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $fieldset = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $fields = [...]; public $comment = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $field = class SimpleXMLElement { ... } }; public $repeat = FALSE; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { private ${Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver}database = 'u435373158_7T7yC'; public $name = 'mysqli'; public $serverType = 'mysql'; protected $connection = class mysqli { ... }; protected $count = 21; protected $cursor = NULL; protected $executed = FALSE; protected $limit = 0; protected $nameQuote = '`'; protected $nullDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; protected $offset = 0; protected $options = [...]; protected $sql = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliQuery { ... }; protected $statement = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliStatement { ... }; protected $tablePrefix = 'ens_'; protected $utf = TRUE; protected $errorNum = 0; protected $errorMsg = NULL; protected $transactionDepth = 0; protected $factory = class Joomla\Database\DatabaseFactory { ... }; protected $monitor = NULL; private ${Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $utf8mb4 = TRUE; protected $mariadb = TRUE } }, $data = [], $group = *uninitialized*) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  13. Joomla\CMS\MVC\Model\FormModel->preprocessForm($form = class Joomla\CMS\Form\Form { protected $data = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = FALSE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected $errors = []; protected $name = 'com_content.article'; protected $options = ['control' => 'jform']; protected $xml = class SimpleXMLElement { public $config = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $fieldset = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $fields = [...]; public $comment = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $field = class SimpleXMLElement { ... } }; public $repeat = FALSE; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { private ${Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver}database = 'u435373158_7T7yC'; public $name = 'mysqli'; public $serverType = 'mysql'; protected $connection = class mysqli { ... }; protected $count = 21; protected $cursor = NULL; protected $executed = FALSE; protected $limit = 0; protected $nameQuote = '`'; protected $nullDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; protected $offset = 0; protected $options = [...]; protected $sql = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliQuery { ... }; protected $statement = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliStatement { ... }; protected $tablePrefix = 'ens_'; protected $utf = TRUE; protected $errorNum = 0; protected $errorMsg = NULL; protected $transactionDepth = 0; protected $factory = class Joomla\Database\DatabaseFactory { ... }; protected $monitor = NULL; private ${Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $utf8mb4 = TRUE; protected $mariadb = TRUE } }, $data = [], $group = 'content') /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  14. Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication->triggerEvent($eventName = 'onContentPrepareForm', $args = [0 => class Joomla\CMS\Form\Form { protected $data = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $errors = [...]; protected $name = 'com_content.article'; protected $options = [...]; protected $xml = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $repeat = FALSE; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }, 1 => []]) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  15. Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch($name = 'onContentPrepareForm', $event = class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepareForm'; protected $arguments = [0 => class Joomla\CMS\Form\Form { ... }, 1 => [...]]; protected $stopped = FALSE }) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  16. Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:/home/u435373158/domains/}($event = class Joomla\Event\Event { protected $name = 'onContentPrepareForm'; protected $arguments = [0 => class Joomla\CMS\Form\Form { ... }, 1 => [...]]; protected $stopped = FALSE }) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  17. plgSystemCustomcanonicalck->onContentPrepareForm($form = class Joomla\CMS\Form\Form { protected $data = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = FALSE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected $errors = []; protected $name = 'com_content.article'; protected $options = ['control' => 'jform']; protected $xml = class SimpleXMLElement { public $config = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $fieldset = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $fields = [...]; public $comment = class SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $field = class SimpleXMLElement { ... } }; public $repeat = FALSE; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { private ${Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver}database = 'u435373158_7T7yC'; public $name = 'mysqli'; public $serverType = 'mysql'; protected $connection = class mysqli { ... }; protected $count = 21; protected $cursor = NULL; protected $executed = FALSE; protected $limit = 0; protected $nameQuote = '`'; protected $nullDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; protected $offset = 0; protected $options = [...]; protected $sql = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliQuery { ... }; protected $statement = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliStatement { ... }; protected $tablePrefix = 'ens_'; protected $utf = TRUE; protected $errorNum = 0; protected $errorMsg = NULL; protected $transactionDepth = 0; protected $factory = class Joomla\Database\DatabaseFactory { ... }; protected $monitor = NULL; private ${Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... }; protected $utf8mb4 = TRUE; protected $mariadb = TRUE } }, $data = []) /home/u435373158/domains/ [26-Apr-2023 12:14:01 Europe/Paris] PHP  18. PlgCustomCanonicalckHelper->autoLoadCanonicalBtn($type = 'article', $data = []) /home/u435373158/domains/
Je te rappelle que ceci n'est pas grave.

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Custom canonical

Posted 1 year 3 months ago #68205
[edit]oublie ma dernière question, je me suis perdu dans le fil ...

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

Last Edit:1 year 3 months ago by ced1870
Last edit: 1 year 3 months ago by ced1870.

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Custom canonical

Posted 1 year 3 months ago #68206
j'ai trouvé une erreur dans mon code, merci d'essayer cette version

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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