Some customizing questions

12 years 9 months ago #3891 by cebby
There are a few things I'd like to do to customize the module. Let me know if these are all possible:

Gradient behind coverflow?
Other text in the coverflow window (besides the caption)?
Can the items be level for the effect instead of arched?

Love the module!

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12 years 9 months ago - 12 years 9 months ago #3900 by cebby
Figured out some workarounds, but still having one issue that I haven't solved yet.

For the gradient BG, I just made the BG of MooCoverflowCK transparent and put a gradient on the Joomla container behind it.

I solved the extra text by just using other modules and playing with the margins through custom CSS called by the module suffix.

I've not been able to figure out how to make the coverflow flatter (instead of on an arc). I'm certain there's something here I can modify, but through trial and error I've not found it yet - anyone have an idea?

(file is mooflow.js - line 340-363)
process: function(x){ var z,W,H,zI=this.iL,foc=this.foc,f=this.factor,,oW=this.oW,offY=this.offY,div,elh,elw; this.master.images.each(function(el){ div =; elw = el.width; elh = el.height; if(x>-foc*6 && x<foc*6){ with (Math) { z = sqrt(10000 + x * x) + 100; H = round((elh / elw * f) / z * sz); W = round(elw * H / elh); if(H >= elw * 0.5) {W = round(f / z * sz);} div.left = round(((x / z * sz) + sz) - (f * 0.5) / z * sz) + 'px'; = round(oW * 0.4 - H) + offY + 'px'; } = H*2 + 'px'; div.width = W + 'px'; div.zIndex = x < 0 ? zI++ : zI--; div.display = 'block'; } else { div.display = 'none'; } x += foc; });
Last edit: 12 years 9 months ago by cebby.

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12 years 9 months ago #3904 by ced1870
try to change the value of div.left and
Sorry, I don't have time to search in the script these days, but you can see that these two properties are setting the position of the images.

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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12 years 6 months ago #5668 by cebby
One more question:

Is it possible to set the action for the images as a single click instead of a double click?

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12 years 6 months ago #5676 by ced1870
you must hack the js code but the result is not really great (I had tested it)

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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12 years 3 months ago #7519 by christoph
I have a question to Cebby and Ced:

how can I add extra text resp. which modules have you used as described in your post. I would like to show the extra text for the "active" menu item ie the image that is currently displayed larger than all others.

I have tried it with "Place Modules anywhere" but it did not work...

Many thanks
Ced: thanks for all your wonderful extensions I am using them extensively (this one, accordeon, maximenu, hikapatch)


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