Menu alignment on different screen sizes

Menu alignment on different screen sizes was created by BobRoberts

Posted 5 months 2 weeks ago #71010
I am not sure if this is a Maxi Menu or Maxi Menu mobile question sorry so am putting it here. We use both for our website.
Could you please help me workout how I make a menu keep its centre alignment when viewing our website on a phone or smallest screen width.
I have attached 3 images to show what I mean using the same menu we have created with images.
On a desktop size setting the menu aligns centre with the images which is perfect - see attached image - maxi_menu_desktop.gif
On a tablet or ipad size setting the menu remains centred which is perfect - see attached image - maxi_menu_tablet_ipad.gif
but when viewing the same page and menu on a phone (or sizing a desktop page down in width) the menu images become left aligned - see attached image - maxi_menu_phone.gif

Would be great to know why and how to stop this happening for this menu and any we create in the future please.

Thank you
Last Edit:5 months 2 weeks ago by BobRoberts
Last edit: 5 months 2 weeks ago by BobRoberts.

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Menu alignment on different screen sizes

Posted 5 months 2 weeks ago #71013
Please give me the url of the page so that I can check

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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Replied by BobRoberts on topic Menu alignment on different screen sizes

Posted 5 months 2 weeks ago #71018
Thank you
It is a page behind our member login area.
Can I send you a username and password to an email for you try?

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Menu alignment on different screen sizes

Posted 5 months 2 weeks ago #71021
you can use the contact form to send me the info

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Menu alignment on different screen sizes

Posted 5 months 2 weeks ago #71045
I have received your email, please try to add this custom css in the page
div#maximenuck340.maximenuckh ul.maximenuck:not(.noresponsive) li { width: inherit !important; }

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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