Slideshow CK don't recognize Slideshow Params

Slideshow CK don't recognize Slideshow Params was created by jwiemken

Posted 10 years 1 month ago #19801
i use joomla 3.30. i've downloaded Slideshow CK and buyed the Slideshow Params because i want to have a slightshow with lightbox. i activated the Slideshow Params in the plugins. but in the modul Slideshow CK i can only read "You must download and install the plugin Slideshow Params". ist ist a bug? i need help and will be thankful for any help.
greetz jens

Edit: ok, isolved. had another lightbox installed. je-lightbox. after i deleted it, the lightbox in Slideshow CK worked. but... i only want the lightbox, the slideshow as lightbox-show. how can i make it works?
Last Edit:10 years 1 month ago by jwiemken
Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by jwiemken.

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Slideshow CK don't recognize Slideshow Params

Posted 10 years 1 month ago #19802
Please detail this

i only want the lightbox, the slideshow as lightbox-show. how can i make it works?

the slideshow itself will not run in a lightbox, it will open the images into it

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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Replied by jwiemken on topic Slideshow CK don't recognize Slideshow Params

Posted 10 years 1 month ago #19808
i'm sad about that. i hoped, that the slideshow runs in a lightbox. it isn't possible as you said it. :(
thnx for answer

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Slideshow CK don't recognize Slideshow Params

Posted 10 years 1 month ago #19809
if you want to do that, you must
1/ load the module into a single article using {loadposition XX}
2/ open this article into a lightbox and set &tmpl=component in the url to not get the whole template

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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Replied by jwiemken on topic Slideshow CK don't recognize Slideshow Params

Posted 10 years 1 month ago #19812
oh... there is a way?

ced1870 wrote: if you want to do that, you must
1/ load the module into a single article using {loadposition XX}
2/ open this article into a lightbox and set &tmpl=component in the url to not get the whole template

sorry, i try to understand. example: i have do write {loadposition 12} in an article. then i open the article in slideshow ck und write the link in the field url: and put on the end &tmpl=componet at the end of the url. right?

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Replied by ced1870 on topic Slideshow CK don't recognize Slideshow Params

Posted 10 years 1 month ago #19813
to be sure, you want the slideshow module to be loaded into a lightbox, not only the images album ?

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

by ced1870

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