non-collapsable the Articles from category list

4 months 2 days ago - 4 months 2 days ago #73073 by Gri
this feature is specified in Accordeon:
"Articles from categories - You can show your articles loaded from any category in your accordion menu. The articles will be loaded automatically."

But when I load a Joomla category I see all the articles in the module list without a collapsible menu, one under the other.
So I'm asking:
Do articles must be necessarily  menu items to be collapsible?
(menu item-> single article)
I always had articles not linked to any menu item!
Last edit: 4 months 2 days ago by Gri.

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4 months 2 days ago #73074 by ced1870
if you load the articles from a category, it will list these articles. they are all in the same category, then in the same level (no accordion here)
to have the accordion you must select a top category that contains other categories, and then articles in it. This will render a multi level menu in an accordion


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4 months 2 days ago - 4 months 2 days ago #73075 by Gri
Oh, many thanks!
I hadn't thought of this, I kept experimenting with menu and sub-menu items!
Now I created a category that is the mother of that category with the articles and now the accordion works for the articles!
I hope that this top category created doesn't change my URL, but it doesn't seem like it
Last edit: 4 months 2 days ago by Gri.

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