Help with sub-menu column or row titles

1 week 1 day ago - 1 week 1 day ago #73936 by
Any pointers to a solution would be very welcome.

Previously I had installed Maximenu CK light and configured to my liking. It was working.

Due to other problems I had to go back to a previouus backup and start again. This is a clean Joomla 5 install with articles from a previous site.

Installed Maximenu CK free same as before, but it fails every time. Installed from Joomla extensions. Also installed from this site. Same result.

Deleted tables and uninstalled to install again, but error persists.

I have attached the debug info that appears.

Many thanks for reading.

Thanks for any pointers.

I quite like the menu system and think the Pro version would end up resolving one sub menu which is very long, but if I can't have the free version working I'm not conviced about the paid version.
Last edit: 1 week 1 day ago by

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1 week 18 hours ago #73937 by ced1870
can you please give me the complete error message that you get with the source and the line of code (this shall be displayed in the message)
Else you can send me an admin access by email so that I can check directly what happens


Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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1 week 11 hours ago - 1 week 11 hours ago #73943 by
Merci beaucoup,

These are my admin credentials:

This message contains confidential information

My "Herramientas" menu is long: I'm thinking your Pro menu system with columns might be a solution for us.

I will be glad to pay for the Pro version if this solves our menu needs.

Bonne journee.

Merci bien.
Last edit: 1 week 11 hours ago by ced1870.

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1 week 11 hours ago #73944 by ced1870
thanks ! the problem has been solved
I have to release a new version (already installed in your website) because this error is due to a recent update

please check and let me know

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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1 week 10 hours ago #73946 by
Parfaitement, Monsieur Cédric,

Tout marche très bien, comme avant.

Si vous pouvez me recommander ce qui serait mieux d'installer pour avoir un menu comme sur votre site, avec deux colonnes pour notre très long menu Herramientas, est aussi pour mieux servir avec des portables. Je vous remercierais.

Bonne journée.

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1 week 10 hours ago #73947 by ced1870
content que le souci soit réglé
pour créer un menu multicolonnes, tu peux regarder la doc

Pour la création de colonnes, particulièrement cet article

Il te faudra la version Pro si tu veux pouvoir gérer correctement tout cela


Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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