Mobile Menu and jquery 2.2.4

7 years 2 weeks ago #46625 by Fastserv
On a site with Joomla 3.8.3 and PHP 7.1 I try to use jquery 2.2.4 wich works except fpr MaxiMenuMobile.
There I get this errors:
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined - maximenuckmobile.js:566:1
TypeError: $(...).MobileMaxiMenu is not a function

Is there a way to make this work?


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7 years 2 weeks ago #46626 by ced1870
give me the url of your page, this is not a problem from the jquery version but that you are loading it the wrong way.
You shall use the JLayout override to load your own version of jquery, and not call it once time more in the page

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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7 years 2 weeks ago #46629 by Fastserv
The URL:

I did it this way in the template:
$doc->addScript(' " integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous');

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7 years 2 weeks ago #46630 by ced1870
the problem is that there are 2 scripts loaded before your jquery call

<script src="/media/system/js/caption.js?0c582ce921f2e78ca1e70249b07d8459"></script>
<script src="/plugins/system/maximenuckmobile/assets/maximenuckmobile.js"></script>

I'm calling my script with "onAfterDispatch".
my question, why do you need another jquery version ?

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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7 years 2 weeks ago #46632 by Fastserv
I use Bootstrap 4 on that Template and and need it for a few modules.

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7 years 2 weeks ago #46633 by ced1870
try to change teh event in my plugin, for example "onBeforeDispatch" and see if it works

Joomlack Webmaster and Developer

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